Bibliography of Karl Ernst von Baer's publications in English

(compiled by E.Tammiksaar)

  1. Baer K. E. v. 1986 [1886]. Autobiography. (Ed. and with a preface by Jane Oppenheimer. Transl. by H. Schneider.) Canton (MA): Science History Publications. xiv+389 p. [Transl. of 2nd ed., 1886. Orig.: Baer, K. E. von. 1866. Nachrichten über Leben und Schriften des Herrn Geheimraths Dr. Karl Ernst von Baer, mitgetheilt von ihm selbst. St. Petersburg: H. Schmitzdorff.]
  2. Baer K. E. v. 1956 [1827]. On the genesis of the ovum of mammals and of man. Isis 47, 117-121, 121-153. (Trans. by. C. D. O'Malley.) [Orig.: Baer, K. E. von. 1827. De ovi mammalium et homonis genesi. Epistola ad Academiam Imperialem Scientiarum Petropolitanam. Lipsiae: Voss, 40 p.]
  3. Baer K. E. v. 1956 [1828]. Comments on De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi.. In: A.W. Meyer (ed.), Human Generation Conclusions of Burdach, Döllinger and von Baer. Stanford: California Unifersity Press, 90-123. [Orig.: Baer, K. E. von 1828. Commentar zu der Schrift: De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. Zeitschrift für organische Physik 2: 125-193.]
  4. Baer, K. E. von 1855 [1827]. Fragments relating to philosophical zoology. In: Arthur Henfrey and Thomas Henry Huxley (eds.), Scientifical Memoirs, Natural History, 7[?] (February and May 1853). London, 176-238.
    Baer, K. E. von 1853 [1828]. On the development of animals, with observations and rejections. (Translation of Ueber Entwickelungs-Geschicte der Thiere.) In: A. Henfrey and T.H. Huxley (eds.), Scientific Memoirs Selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and from Foreign Journals. London: University of London Press, 186-238.
    [Orig.: Baer, K. E. von 1827. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der niedern Thiere. Mit 6 Kupfertaf. Nova Acta Leopoldina 12[13?](2): 525-762.]
  5. Baer, K. E. von 1840 [1837]. Sketch of animal life in Nova Zembla (Novaiia Zemlia). The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 28: 93-103. [Orig.: Baer, K. E. von 1837. Expédition à Novaia Zemlia et en Laponie. Thierisches Leben. Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg 3(22): 343-352.]
  6. Baer K. E. von 1838. On the recent Russian expeditions to Novaia Zemlia. (Trans. by A. J. von Krusenstern (?)). The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 8: 411-415.
  7. Baer, K. E. von. 1838. On the ground ice or frozen soil of Siberia [Transl. by A. J. v. Krusenstern]. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 8: 210-213. [Also in: Athenaeum (1838), No 540: p. 169. also in: The American Journal of Sciences and Arts by B. Silliman (New Haven) (1839), 36: 210-212.]
  8. Baer, K. E. v. 1838. Intelligence upon the frozen ground in Siberia [Transl. by A. J. v. Krusenstern]. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 8: 401-406. [? Recent intelligence of the frozen ground in Siberia. - J. Geogr. Soc. London, 1838, 8, p. 401-406. Also in: Athenaeum (1838), No 565: p. 509.]
  9. Wrangell, F. v. Russian America. Statistical and ethnographical information. /With additional material by Karl Ernst von Baer. Translated from the Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und angränzenden Länder Asiens, 1839: 1: - Materials for the Study of Alaska History, 15. Wd. by R. A. Pierce. Kingston - Ontario: Limestone Press, 1980. XXII+204 p.
    Kostromitinov, Peter S. Statistische und ethno-graphische Nachrichten ueber die russischen Besitzungen and der Nordwestkueste von Amerika. Collected by F. P. von Wrangell. Edited by K. E. von Baer. Imperial Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 80-96, 1839. Partial translation, Remarks on the Indians of upper California, available in the Fort Ross Library in Portraits of Prominant Russians. Compiled and translated by Stephen Watrous. Fort Ross, 1990s.
  10. Baer, Karl Ernst von 1839. [Fragment in English]. Athenaeum. [Orig.: Ueber das Klima von Sitcha und den Russischen Besitzungen an der Nordwestküste von Amerika überhaupt, nebst einer Untersuchung der Frage, welche Gegenstände des Landbaues in diesen Gegenden gedeihen können. Bull. Sci. 1839, 5, S. 129-141, 146-152.]
  11. Baer, Karl Ernst von 1840. Edinburgh New Philos. Journal 29: 90-93. [Orig.: Sur la fréquence des orages dans les régions arctiques. Bull. sci. 1840, 6, pp. 66-73.]
  12. Baer, Karl Ernst von. "Translation of 'The Indians of Upper California' from Karl E. von Baer's Some Remarks About the Savages on the Northwest Coast of America," n.d. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley; CU 23.1 item 10. Translated and with notes by E.W. Gifford.
  13. A letter to Ch. Darwin of 5 May 1873 Dorpat (Tartu). - The Darwin Papers, Manuscripts Room, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, England, 160.
  14. Groeben Christiane (ed.) 1993. Karl Ernst von Baer (1792-1876) - Anton Dohrn (1840-1909): Correspondence. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 83(3). Philadelphia, 156 p. [Translated by Jane M. Oppenheimer, Christiane Groeben; introduction by Jane M. Oppenheimer.]

A complete Baer's bibliography has been published in Folia Baeriana vol. 4, with addendums in later volumes.

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